Label By Type
Tactile Warning Labels
Tactile warning labels are small triangle labels used on products considered to be toxic, harmful, or dangerous. Warning triangles are required by law in most cases, but companies also use them to prevent litigation.
Products that contain harmful or toxic chemicals need to have a warning label on them to alert users, but in the case of blind or partially sited people, the label needs to be raised - this is called a tactile warning label. Tactile warning labels are an important feature for health and safety.
The government has set out criteria for standards of tactile warning labels; if a product is classed as toxic, very toxic, harmful, or corrosive, it requires a tactile warning label to alert people with sight impairments to the hazards. Tactile warning labels are raised in clear triangles.
Why Are Tactile Warning Labels So Important?
Many of the items classed as toxic are commonly used, so it's crucial that blind or partially-sighted people can access the relevant information. Products with a tactile warning triangle include e-liquids used for vaping, glues such as Super Glue, aerosols with different applications, poisons, cleaning fluids, and more. The triangle can prevent illness and injury.
Along with illness and injury, companies can encounter legal issues from those that have been harmed by toxic products. Not only is this unfortunate for the individuals involved, but it can become an expensive legal process that is damaging to a company's professional reputation. The solution is to use integrated tactile labels to assist blind and partially sighted people.
What You Need To Know
Tactile warning triangles show that a product is toxic, harmful, and can lead to illness or injury. Someone handling these items needs to wear appropriate safety equipment and follow procedures if the chemicals get into the skin, eyes, or mouth. Children should not handle these items either, always make sure they are carefully stored out of sight and reach in cupboards and alike.
Legislation Behind Tactile Warning Triangles
According to the latest legislation, products labelled as toxic, very toxic, corrosive, harmful, or extremely harmful must have a tactile warning label on the item. Manufacturers are also responsible for labelling, categorising, and packaging products correctly before going to market.
Products that are categorized as toxic, harmful, or dangerous can be found on the European Chemical Agency Website; whether your product requires a label or not depends on your position in the supply chain, whether you are an importer or a manufacturer of the product.
Whether the product is made for the UK or European marketplace, CS Labels produce tactile warning labels that compile with the relevant guidelines and legislation, helping to keep customers safe and avoid any legal issues.

Products You May Find Using Tactile Warning Triangles
Both industrial and domestic products can be toxic, harmful, or dangerous and require a tactile warning label. E-liquids, for instance, can be toxic or poisonous when consumed and must be kept away from children and pets. Some products that require a tactile warning label include:

These liquids are toxic when consumed in the wrong way and require a label.

Automotive Polishes
Some polishes for cars are considered toxic and harmless to users

These are also harmful when empty, especially when powered by butane.

Both industrial and domestic fertilizers can be harmful and require warnings.
Other products that may use tactile warning triangles include:
- Glues: glues can be harmful when consumed or if the glue gets onto the eyes or skin.
- Poisons: poison, by its nature, is dangerous when consumed and needs a tactile label.
- Cleaning Fluids: many common household products are toxic and require triangles.
- Paints: some paint products are classed as toxic and require a tactile warning label.
- Pesticides: these products are designed to be harmful and need warnings for people.
- Solvents: many solvents contain dangerous chemicals that require warning labels.
Integrated Tactile Warning Triangle
When it comes to putting tactile warning labels on toxic products, companies have two choices, they can purchase strips of warning labels that are manually placed on the outside of the items, or they can invest in digitally printed labels with warning triangles integrated into the relevant label part.
Ensure you have the correct warning labels on products. Contact our team at CS Labels for advice or to answer any further questions that you may have.
Tactile Warning Labels FAQ's
A tactile triangle would be placed on a label to give a warning of a potential hazardous product.
If you’re unsure if your product requires a warning triangle placed on the label, do not worry because the friendly CS Labels team can help. We have lots of experience within the industry and have worked with numerous businesses including Pharmaceutical and Chemical companies who often use warning triangles.